
Homebrewandhacking , to bookstodon group avatar

Dear @bookstodon

I would like recommendations for books where the main character is a mild villain dealing with much worse villains and is telling the story as they go. Fantasy and Scifi are always comforting genres but I venture out for the right books.

I would also like books where men and women are doing things and are friends without a romance being shoe-horned in. But I concede I might as well be asking for a pony at this point.

Thanks for any help and or boosts!

wbftw , avatar

@Homebrewandhacking @bookstodon Stross’ “Tales of the New Management”, starting with “Dead Lies Dreaming”.

wbftw , avatar

@Homebrewandhacking @bookstodon Oh, and also Hannu Rajaniemi’s “The Quantum Thief” series

mariyadelano , to actuallyadhd group avatar

Question for fellow @actuallyautistic and @actuallyadhd neurodivergent folks:

How do you explain your ideas to neurotypicals?

I constantly struggle because my brain has made connections that are not obvious to others, and when I try to guide them through my thinking I confuse them with details or by skipping explanations that seem obvious to me but completely surprising to anyone else.

Frameworks, links, anything is appreciated!

woozle , avatar

@CynAq @mariyadelano @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

In my experience, you have to work in small increments. If too much imagination is required, you lose them. ...which, of course, makes it very difficult to convey anything really transformative, or that builds on a lot of different ideas.

I think what has sometimes worked is if you can break your idea down into a set of steps, each of which involves only one or two change, starting from some standard, widely-understood thing.

Like... it's much easier to explain serverless peer-to-peer software to people who are familiar with the fediverse. I've also tried to explain fedi as being similar to email (there's no one central service; you pick a service, and then you can talk to anyone on any other service), but I'm not sure how well that has worked.

(Aside on the link: wow, that thing about writing the outline first, before you even know what you're going to learn... that resonates. I still don't understand how anyone could do it in that order. ...and I usually just got stuck there.)

USBTypeSteve , avatar

@mariyadelano @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd I simply start off with a “so, from my perspective, I see it like this…” and that usually gets them hook line and sinker every time.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
huntingdon , avatar


Asking wedding guests for cash in lieu of another wedding gift is only as tacky as the manner and language used to make the ask.

dperkins , avatar

@georgetakei If the quality of the wedding is at all based on the types of gifts you receive, please don't invite any guests.

georgetakei , to Random avatar


redcedar , avatar

@georgetakei they need to wear hats. Covered bridges last longer....

jrootham ,

@georgetakei Good bridges should be named Beau

futurebird , to Random avatar

You are trying to get out of a pit with your friends, the sides are slippery and there is a guy at the top who sometimes throws things at you and you know he's helping other people to make even more pits that are even deeper someplace else. There is a slim chance he could be replaced by another guy who will start filling all the pits in with a bulldozer. Do you keep the jerk or brave the dozer?

Hard choice. I guess?

WhiteCatTamer , avatar

@gwit @ganjajukes @palestine @futurebird
“Biden also reiterated his call for Congress to codify protections that had been provided by Roe, adding that if a bill were passed, he would "immediately" sign it into law.”:

heretical_i , avatar

@WhiteCatTamer So one says it. Both actually believe in it. That makes one of them Honest. @gwit @ganjajukes @palestine @futurebird

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Kids these days have it easy!

Kimsails , avatar

I still do!

No hand protection for me as I smash that down button!👇💪


uriy , avatar

@georgetakei My previous car had a voice controlled passenger side window.

It was flaky, though; it only worked when I had a passenger, and even then not reliably.

CynAq , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar


Melt down or freeze up, that is the question.

pathfinder , avatar

@JoBlakely @mephistofelix @CynAq @actuallyautistic
Unfortunately, fight was not beyond me. As long as all other options had been exhausted and there was absolutely no avoiding it. Although, at school it at least made bullying me a somewhat risky proposition.

calofost , avatar

@CynAq @actuallyautistic I've been perusing and following this blog for some months now. It is very good. I like what they say here about these responses.

maegul , (edited ) to Fediverse avatar

The fediverse won’t succeed at putting up a substitute and that’s a problem?

Just an impression: All the pieces seem to be there. But what’s required is a team, with devs, PMs and coordinators, dedicated to making a particular place in the .

That’s resources and decently sized financial and organisational demands, especially to get a critical mass of users.

Is the fediverse up to that challenge? If not, is it an issue worth addressing?


mindbleach ,

Additionally: adoption is a feature you can't design. Any site that's just people talking is either firmly established or in deep trouble. The middle ground cannot last.

corsicanguppy ,

I'd opt into targeted ads for a federated S-O service, personally. The site is a huge database and needs safe-keeping, and that's not free or even cheap. Tastefully placed ads that don't pop over or ruin the printed copy I'd totally go for.

futurebird , to Random avatar

Someone said it's important say this publicly in the US: so I will. (And I think each of us should, online and to friends)

This November I will vote for Biden.

I would regard not voting for Biden, particularly in: PA, OH, MI, WI, IN, IL,VA, GA, FL, AZ, ME, NC, NH, etc. as a huge error. I'd be disappointed to find out anyone I knew didn't vote. It's one of a long list of things we need to do. We can't skip it.

And still? We deserve better choices, and in the future we shall have them.

mastodonmigration , avatar

@njwatt @suzannealdrich @PandaChronicle @mfennvt @futurebird

Being against "lesser of two evils" seems like a solid principle until you have gone a few rounds with the greater of two evils.

ganjajukes ,

@futurebird @biplanepilot @palestine How do you think this strategy of attempting to rally grassroots organizers to help democrats do Hope and Change 4: Hopier and Changier will play out after the democrats voice full support for a genocide? It's already been dwindling, Hillary lost with the entire Clinton war chest. Obama and Clinton and Biden were all unpopular back when they quietly bombed Syria in a way Americans are trained not to think about. This is not something people can ignore.
Your invocation of "we will get better options" ignores that an option like Jill Stein only needs to hit 26% in this clusterf*ck of a race between RFK Jr. Trump and Biden, geriatric Zionists with maybe four brain cells between them. Ross Perot got 20%+ in a far more politically entrenched environment.
Trump as vile as he is demonstrated that the democrat-GOP duopoly had already begun to slip.
Even if the Greens with Jill already on the ballot in 3/4 states are a pipe dream they give a voice to the protest votes instead of demanding meekness, silence, compliance, like you expect it of the activists who would follow your campaigning demands. Your demands for their work! To legitmize the fascist two-party duopoly! To legitimize genocide! Many will refuse!

theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

How do my comrades know when they’ve “peopled” too much ?


EVDHmn , avatar

@Sci_Fi_FanGirl @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic
I try to remember that as well thanks some times I need some zone out time.

Susan60 , avatar

@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

I’m learning.,, irritability, distraction (ADHD), feeling I need to leave & suppressing the desire to “fidget”….

onecreativecat , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

Pff I got everything wrong tonight, mistaking Husband's enquiring/puzzled look for an annoyed one, and I got angry 😔.
It doesn't last, and he does not resent me once I explained but it sucks.


pathfinder , avatar
niavy , avatar
j , to baseball group avatar

This broadcast is insufferable.


mattmaison , avatar

@j @baseball

Use Audacy and just put a NY zip code in the settings.

j OP , avatar

@mattmaison I'll try that, thanks!


DejahEntendu , to bookstodon group avatar

Where Peace Is Lost by Valerie Valdes.

Very different from her series starting with Chilling Effect, Where Peace Is Lost is much more serious. It reads as a quest to save a world, a journey or personal forgiveness, romance, and anti-capitalist philosophy. That's a lot to cram into 12 hours. It's all well done though, not seeming patchwork at all. Thus I zoomed through the story in two days.



DejahEntendu OP , avatar

Valdes delivers a solid book, perhaps leading us to "the further adventure of..."

Rebeccsa Mozo, the narrator, had a handful of mispronouciations that should have been caught by someone. Not enough to be ruinous, but distracting nonetheless. ☹️ Pronouncing buffet as the noun form, for instance, when it was used as the verb form.

LGBTQIA+ positive


Kay , avatar

@DejahEntendu @bookstodon I loved Where Peace Is Lost by Valerie Valdes. I've read her previous and they're enjoyable but for me not as gripping as Peace Lost. I very much hope for sequels!

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 197 , Sunday 12/05/2024

Finally managed to get a lie in , up at 8am. Breakfast, a few chores & then got abused by the cats demanding brushing & snuggles !

It’s been a lovely warm day , have had a really relaxed day.

Currently waiting for the promised thunder storm … I love a good thunder storm but have been sadly disappointed recently !

Final Thoughts.

Is it time for bed yet ?

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


si_irini , avatar
PixysJourney , avatar

Owwww relaxing is nice. That's a long lie in! That's why I missed ya in the morning 😉 Hihi...
Lovely weather is always a treat. We're supposed to get thunder this evening. 😊
Have a good start to the new week sweets! We're already going to halfway being May already. Time flies! 🌸
🤗 Have a good night sweets 😘


georgetakei , to Random avatar

Fair point!

schnedan , avatar
CarlataOld , avatar


I love potatoes.

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